Saturday, July 21, 2007

When Liberals Misspeak

Whenever I write something on my blog and think to myself that readers are going to think I'm way too right or that I have sold black folks down the river I read an article penned by John McWhorter and I know I'm ok. This article is, as usual, on point and reflective of a conversation I had today with a friend. It would seem to me that liberals not only don't get it they have somehow loss their hearing. Why? Because I don't think they hear the stupid things that come from their lips. When a liberal says that black kids learn better when they are in a classroom with white children instead of in a classroom of all blacks that is saying something about "black" kids. It is saying that somehow blacks can't learn among one another. It's probably saying that they are too stupid to learn among their own. And it's probably saying that the only way black kids are going to learn is when they are in the company of white kids. Now, does anyone find this a bit racist? Hmmm. So, if you were to follow this logic then liberals should be against HBC's (Historically Black Colleges) since they admit and enroll only blacks. And if you were to follow this "logic" you would then agree that these schools need integration because "white" kids could benefit from being in the classroom with black kids. Right? Or maye the integration only goes in one direction. Maybe I should pose the question to Mrs. Clinton.

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