Sunday, July 22, 2007

Blah, Blah, Blah

My partner and I are part of a small minority of movie goers who actually like watching coming attractions. I realize that many hate trailers but I love them. And the uproar to have theaters publish the actual start time of movies so as to avoid these trailers is another faux issue for pretentious Manhattanites who have convinced themselves that their time is more precious than anyone else's. Sitting back and watching coming attractions is fun and actually helps in deciding if we are going to see the movie or not. My partner and I have given many a thumbs up or down to movies we saw by way of comming attractions. Watching coming attractions also gives a birds eye view of the kind of crap Hollywood is selling to movie goers. Unfortunately its also a barometer on the likes and dislikes of movie goers as when a trailer comes on screen for an inane movie like Wedding Crashers. Of course that one received a double thumbs down from us.

One recent movie that got the thumbs down is Chuck and Larry. I, like many, enjoy watching movies with gay themes and I can take a joke like the next guy but... I'm not a fan of Adam Sandler. His "antics" is reminiscent of the kind of slapstick comedy of which I'm not a fan. And while I'm all for making us mainstream this is not the way to do it. But it seems as though Chuck and Larry got a pass from GLAAD. How this happened is beyond me but what do I know. I'm not so sure if the movie is offensive as stupid. And for that alone they should have received a thumbs down from GLAAD. But as I said, what do I know?

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