Sunday, July 22, 2007

Awash in Hypocrisy

Hypocrisy - a semblance of having desirable or publicly approved attitudes, beliefs, principles, etc., that one does not actually possess. We live in a world where this definition tends to stick to individuals like white on rice. Unfortunately, it seems like second skin to elected officials and bible stomping cretins. When people ask me how can I be a Republican when there are so many homophobes in the party I cringe and then ask them to look at elected officials that are neither homophobic nor want to amend the Constitution. And even though our friends aren't numbered in the thousands we can find sweet revenge in folks like Mark Fowley, Jim McGreevey and as of last week, David Vitter the Republican Senator from Louisiana.

It seems that Senator Vitter has some splaining to do to his wife and kids who he used in his ad supporting amending the Constitution to make marriage between one man and one woman. Frank Rich has an excellent article here on Mr. Vitter's rise and I'm hoping huge fall from grace. When I was a child growing up there was one saying that I heard over and over which was - when light comes to day all the sins of man will be reveiled. I also learned as a young child that christians were loving people. But I guess people like Vitter lives by the saying, do as I say and not as I do.

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