Monday, September 03, 2007

See You in September

As the new school year rolls forward Mt. Vernon school district opens a new school catering to ninth and tenth graders. A third high school will be opening in Mt. Vernon along side Mt. Vernon High School and the Nelson Mandela High School. The Nelson Mandela High School is an alternative school. The new school, Thornton High School is named after Nellie A. Thornton who served as its principal for 22 years. For now the school will enroll ninth and tenth graders and expand its enrollment in the coming years.

This is a new beginning as is every new academic year so I wish the administrators but mostly the 9th and 10th graders the best. Administrators promise that the school will be academically rigorous and I hope it follows through with its promise. I hope that the Thornton High School's grade report will reflect that rigor.

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