Thursday, September 06, 2007

Home Again...

School has started and the fun begins. From freshmen to seniors, everyone is getting back into going to classes, doing homework and partying. I recently walked by NYU's campus in NYC and tried to listen in to some of the many conversations going on near the Stern business school. I didn't hear anything exciting but everyone seemed animated and excited about being on campus. Unfortunately my gf and I have already experienced the loud screams that NYU students tend to emit at 3am. And this was only a week after their move in day. I have a feeling its going to be a long semester.

But this story you couldn't make up if you tried. Two freshmen at Northeastern University were sent home for possession of marijuana in their room along with bottles of booze. It seemed that one of the two yelled out his dorm window that he had "weed" if anyone was looking for it. Now that may not have been so bad but there were plainclothes police in earshot. The rest as they say is history. At $45,000 a pop these two have learned a costly lesson. Classes hadn't even begun. As I said, you can't make this stuff up. I must say it is truly laughable.

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