Tuesday, August 07, 2007

There Is Work to Do

Maybe its the time of year. Maybe its the heat. Maybe its a lack of work on the part of the New York City Council. Whatever it is constituents should ask the Council to get over themselves and do some actual work as opposed to sponsoring "symbolic" measures to ban words deem inappropriate. Here Councilwoman Darlene Mealy has decided that the word bitch is not to be used but much to her dismay many people, including her peers on the Council, use the word quite regularly. Several months ago Councilman Leroy Comrie sponsored a "symbolic" moratorium on the n-word which passed so I guess Councilwoman Mealy doesn't want to be outdone by her colleague. Lets see, I'm going to think really hard and try to come up with a few things that Councilwoman Mealy and her colleagues could spend sometime on as opposed to pretending to work. I'm trying really hard now.

1. Investigation into the steam blast that occurred in Midtown two weeks ago
2. Affordable housing in New York City
3. Censoring Charles Barron

I don't know just a few things.

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