Saturday, June 16, 2007

Jim's Big Mistake

I recently attended a Pride event hosted by Mayor Mike Bloomberg. It is an annual event in honor of gay pride and usually brings out more than the pretty people of the gay community. There are people in attendance who really care about politics so you can actually have a decent conversation. This year's event, which is always held at Gracie Mansion, was held in a tent on the lawn and for good reason. The heavens opened while the mayor was speaking but everyone continued to have fun.

This year the plan was for a faux runway scene with yours truly as one of the models. This was done because the guest for the event was Tim Gunn of none other than Project Runway. It was a lot of fun and each "contestant" received a prize. I, believe it or not, received Jim McGreevey's book, The Confession. Of all the books to get and for me to get it is even funnier. Since I didn't buy the damn thing I may read it or I may just sell it on ebay. I cannot stand McGreevey and have written about my dislike on these pages in the past. So I'll just share this rather colorful commentary here.

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