Sunday, June 24, 2007

Happy Gay Pride

Ok, in previous posts I've shared my opinion on doing away with theme months and I still stand by that. I think it makes more sense to just have a weekend or a day long celebration, if we must. So today is Gay Pride Day 2007. Last night I was reminiscing with my girlfriend about past pride events and we both agreed that back then we wanted to do everything and attend every party. That was then this is now - we are older and have less energy. So we are going to brunch with friends and head over to a local bar and watch the young people pretend that they are the only ones who are gay. I'll stay away from the more hardened victim types as they seem to come out in droves on this day.

Even though I'm opposed to theme months I will say this, it is nice to see thousands of gay people in one place. But there is a caveat to that - I prefer gay people with clothes on, the loving couple holding hands with smiles across their faces, older gays and lesbians with a sense of "pride," the sense of family that pride encourages. I don't like the mostly naked boys on trucks, angry lesbians, and transsexuals insinuating themselves in our struggle.

Happy Pride everyone.

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