Thursday, August 03, 2006

While this discussion is somewhat dated, it will surely become a front page issue as kids head back to school in September. As someone who has experience with high schoolers and college students I find the conversation on banning cellphones in public schools by Mayor Mike Bloomberg a necessary one. Putting aside the fact that cell phone use in public is way out of control, high schoolers and college students need to spend more time on study and less time on texting about American Idol or whatever else they text about. I would bet a dollar that its not about last nights science homework.

As is the norm, the idea of banning cell phones has met with ire and consternation by parents and some politicians. As usual, the number one canard presented is that kids need cell phones for safety reasons. While this is not completely irrational, considering the world we live in, the tendency to exaggerate this point is obvious. I have visited high schools where it takes the teacher roughly 10-12 minutes to quiet down the class and get them to start their work for the day. Allowing kids to have their cell phones in classrooms will only serve to exacerbate that problem. Why do we want to give teachers more non-educational activites to engage in on a daily basis? Common sense would dictate that we shouldn't add to their burden but who ever said common sense was common.

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