Thursday, August 10, 2006

It's Not The Test Stupid!

The old canard that blacks are leaving or not attending college because of higher admission standards has again rasied its ugly head. In this article, we are lead to believe that higher admission standards means less blacks at local CUNY schools. But when you read further you realize that this is not the real issue. But whats most vexing about this article is the notion that black kids can't cut it. So instead of talking about what should be done to lift these kids up we are talking about lowering standards. Ms. MacDonald's point, "It should set its standards in a colorblind fashion, based on the skills necessary to perform college-level work," is spot on. The kicker is the dean for diversity (gotta love these titles) stating that many qualified students didn't know that much about Hunter College. Maybe its not the test but poor recruiting efforts.

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