Saturday, August 12, 2006

The People We Live For

I saw the movie, World Trade Center last evening and all my emotions from that dreadful day came flooding back with a vengenance. The movie's main story centered around two of New York City's Port Authority police officers as they attempted to evacuate the fifth tower of the WTC. Officers John McLoughlin (Nicholas Cage) and William J. Jimeno (Michael Pena) were buried under the rubble as the towers fell and waited hours before finally being rescued by two marines and police officers.

Oliver Stone did a wonderful job in bringing the story of two families waiting to hear the fate of their loved ones and the two officers who struggled to stay alive. The movie touched on some raw nerves as I lost it emotionally and heard nothing but gasps and sniffling from the audience. I had not expected this reaction on my part much less that of other audience members. My partner and I walked out asking the question of each other, "I thought we weren't going to see another tear jerker?" Be aware, however, that tears are not the only things that you will experience. My anger at the brutality of that dreadful act was very much present as I squirmed in my seat. I realized that my anger at such brutality has not subsided and probably never will.
Time magazine describes it as, "gripping, a powerful movie experience." I agree.

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