Saturday, January 20, 2007

Too Much Information

"And I soon realized that having the secret out was liberating." These words are from Oprah Winfrey about her pregnancy as the result of sexual molestation. My reaction to the latest news that Oprah was pregnant because of sexual molestation is one of sympathy. However, while I have a great deal of respect for Oprah I'm tired of the tell all stories from her and others. I realize that her latest revelation came about because of a craven relative's need for quick money I maintain that she need give it more attention.

I have respect for Oprah because she has done a lot for a lot of people and she has brought attention to issues that many would not talk about before now. And I especially like her emphasis on education as in her 40 million dollar creation of a school for girls in South Africa. However, it makes me wonder if her latest revelation is not simply a way to increase ratings. Call me cynical but it makes me stop and wonder about what's really going on. And if it's not about ratings then I would suggest to Oprah to seek out professional help and no I'm not suggesting Dr. Phil. I would ask Oprah to share this information with a therapist in the privacy of his/her office and not on camera or in the mainstream press. To Oprah: continue to do good things for young people but turn off the camera on your personal life.

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