Saturday, March 03, 2007

Sen. Hillary Clinton at Human Rights Campaign Board Meeting

There is a great line from "Cat On a Hot Tin Roof" by Big Daddy played by Burl Ives where he says, "What is that smell? It's the smell of mendacity." It's not exact but the use of the word mendacity is what I'm after. This speech by Hillary Clinton to HRC is just that "mendacity." And why is it so? Because like HRC, Senator Clinton is about making gays feel good.

Let me start at the beginning. First, Senator Clinton may have voted against the FMA but she is against same-sex marriage. When she first ran as Senator she stated that marriage is between a man and a woman and she continues to say that to this day even though she claims that her "opinions" have "evolved." Sounds like Romney. She made this revelation at a meeting with gays back in October saying that she would not oppose Spitzer's enactment of a same-sex marriage law in New York State. Before this meeting, another high powered gay and lesbian group had this to say about her, "She is a complete disappointment and does not deserve an LGBT fundraiser." This came from Executive Director Alan Van Capelle of the Empire Pride Agenda.
Second, her "support" for gays serving in the military is mendacity at its highest level especially since her husband gave us "Don't Ask, Don't Tell," several days after he stated at an ESPA dinner in 1990 that he saw gays as part of the American fabric. His signature adorned this policy several days after his "feel good" speech at ESPA's fall dinner. Third,Hillary is on record as saying that she would vote for Don't Ask, Don't Tell. So for her to say that she supports soldiers who are gay is a crock like the rest of her speech.

Senator Clinton is very similar to her husband in words if not in deeds. If gays, with the help of HRC, believe that they have an advocate in Hillary I would suggest they stop smoking that weird weed.

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