Saturday, March 03, 2007

Ann Coulter calls Al Gore a

I'm not sure where to start when commenting on Ann Coulter. I play this video because Youtube did no have her latest sophmoric rant about John Edwards being a "faggot." It seems that Ms. Coulter knows a lot of faggots, Al Gore, Bill Clinton and now John Edwards. Is this what Conservatives have to offer the larger community as a way of making their case? This woman has a law degree, have sold several books, most of which are nothing but blowhard crap, and is continually courted by Conservatives? Come on, any thinking human being, be they Conservative or otherwise, can do better than this. I have to admit that I was a Coulter fan until I read her first book, "Slander" and realized that I could have written a better book. The book was full of "emotions," what Conservatives accuse liberals of and opinions and nothing nearing "facts." It is obvious that Ms. Coulter survives on ad hominem attacks to sell books and garner speaking engagements. There are several things I could say about Ms. Coulter but unlike her I don't lower myself to such attacks. I'm all for freedom of speech but when its so offensive and sophmoric it should be jeered and not cheered.

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