Monday, October 29, 2007

What's Really Behind the Polls

I have to admit that I have not been keeping up with politics or anything else for that matter because I have been sick but this article caught my eye. Rich makes a very interesting case for Giuliani's high poll numbers. Several of his comments are reflective of what many believe is the defining moment in the Republican Party. It would almost seem as if he is saying, "Wake up or die." The Republican Party, to say the least, has had a very hard road to hoe and it probably started with the Terry Schiavo story. If you think about it, if Republicans, yes I am one, really believe in smaller government they would have kept their damn mouths shut when Terry Schiavo's story hit the airwaves. But from then on they have been stepping into the proverbial pile of you know what.

It is obvious from reading the article that Rich is saying that regardless of the huffing and puffing by the so-called morality squad, i.e. James Dobson, Gary Bauer etc., Giuliani's "moderate" views must be connecting with someone. If what Rich says is right and the polls are accurate then ridding ourselves of the Dobson types, at least for the influence they wield, will be a victory for sensible people.

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