Saturday, February 24, 2007

Oh Island In The Sun...

I was born on May 22, 1960 on the island of Jamaica in the West Indies. I grew up in a poor family like many of the people around me and moving to the United States was a blessing. I left Jamiaca when I was 10 years old and before I left I knew a thing or two about Jamaica. First, I knew that the people of Jamaica were a hard working and proud people. Years later, I would laugh at a skit on "In Living Color" about all the jobs that Jamaicans held in New York. Second, my father and mother taught me that family and not drive by friends were most important in life. Third, I knew that taboos existed - one of which was homosexuality.

I knew at a very young age that I was "different" than my siblings but I did not have a word for my "difference." But I knew that a "battyman" was not a good thing and if you were one, God help you. At the age of 10, I knew that a battyman was a man who liked men and he was to be avoided at all costs if not to be pummmeled. I figured I wasn't a battyman so I was ok. But I still didn't have a word for who and what I was.

Years later I know who and what I am and I sure as hell know what a battyman is. Unfortunately, my "homeland" hasn't forgotten either. In 2007, homosexuality is a crime in Jamaica and it's ok to beat, maim and kill battymen. In 2007, in Jamaica, a crowd can gather to chant, "battyman" and feel no remorse. In 2007, police officers can ridicule, beat and cast off "battymen" the way they beat and cast off citizens and non-citizens who don't conform to their way of living. In 2007, "battymen" wish they were never born. This is the "island in the sun" with promises of sun and fun, unless you are a homosexual.

Here, here, and here are just some examples of what has been going on in Jamaica with no end in sight. I contend that most of this has to do with illiteracy and just plain barbaric behavior. But what is truly defining, if one were to believe in the myths about gay people, is the HIV/AIDS rate in Jamaica. If one were to believe that HIV/AIDS was just a gay disease then this report would be suspect.

To say that something must be done is an understatement. Maybe if jamaica lost it's tourism dollars it would awake to the injustice that spreads like wildfire on the island. Only time will tell.

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