Friday, February 02, 2007

Obama Mania This Is Not

This article sheds light on a problem within the black community that many would prefer to sweep under the rug. It is the issue of the light skinned black versus the dark skinned black. This has been an issue for the 46 years that I have been alive and it has intention of going away as it is alive and well in 2007. As such, its a problem among blacks who view Obama as an outsider. The article is offensive on many levels but to suggest that Obama is not a "real" black is stupid if not laughable if it weren't so sad. And to a certain extent it shows the ignorance of those commenting in the article including those working in higher education.

Mr. Lanier;s comment, in particular, emphasises the ignorance of the electorate when he says, "We have been taught that a president should come from right here, born, raised, bred fed in America. To go outside and and bring someone in from another nationality, now that doesn't feel right to some people." And this delicious quote from Debra Dickerson, "I've got nothing but love for the brother (isn't that brotha?) but we have nothing in common. His father was African. His mother was white. He grew up with white grandparents." Well there you go, there is no way Barack Obama can be legitimate because he's got white blood in him. And people are surprised by what Biden had to say about Obama?

First, someone should tell Mr. Lanier that Hawaii is a state within the United States which makes Obama a US citizen. Second, Obama spent more time with his "white" grandparents than he did with his biological father as told in his memoir. His grandparents did more for him than his biological father ever did or will ever do. So his white blood and light skin should be a problem for blacks?

So blacks should be careful when they say things like Obama isn't "authentically black" because by saying that they play into the stereotypes of blacks, i.e. high black, chitlin eating hoodlums. So the bottom line is this, if you didn't march with King, if you don't have two parents who are black, even if he's the "baby daddy," if you have never listened to rap but to the Drifters, if you dare to graduate from a "white" school and speak a language other than ebonics, if you have kids but didn't name them Shaniqua or Mohammed then you are not "down with your people" hence not "really black. Now that's progress.

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