Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Stew Rocks

If you have not had a chance to see a really good play this year you still have time to do so. I recommend that you run to see Passing Strange. The off broadway play ends on July 1st.

I went to see Passing Strange a couple of weeks ago with friends and loved it, loved it, loved it. The story is about a young black man from a middle class family in Los Angeles and his struggle to "find" himself which leads him to Amsterdam's double helping of sex, drugs and rock and roll. He then moves to Berlin and meets a yet otherwise hip and politically rambunctious crowd of performance artists. Unfortunately these drive by anarchists disappoint him as they turn out to be filled with emotion rather than conviction. He then heads home to bury his mother who he has been estranged from because of what she represents and what he ran away from - the bourgeois life. Has he really changed?

The music is rock and roll and the narrator is Stew. Stew is a bald headed black guy wearing a black suit, red shirt and sneakers and plays a mean guitar. He is also the narrator, composer and Youth's alter ego. This is a must see. Here and here are some reviews.


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