Monday, July 31, 2006

The Beginning?

I have never claimed to be an expert on human beings and bad behavior but after forty-six years I think I know a thing or two about both. I know that hatred exists as I write this. I know that many among us hide behind well sculptured facades but cracks invariably surface. This is true of Mel Gibson, who I always thought was overrated anyway, as his true character surfaced this weekend. Of course, many will claim that alcohol was the culprit and not Gibson and I would say, shame on you. To disassociate the two is to engage in wishful thinking. How many examples exist where the "nice" guy/girl at the holiday party perform acts known only to the more "professional" among us? How many examples exist where the well soused miscreant goes on a tirade about those people? And in every instance it should be denounced and the person held accountable. It should also be a lesson learned in the true nature of evil. So, Mr. Gibson should not be given a pass as some have suggested but rather I hope the outcry from Jewish groups and others will continue.

One Can Hope!

It is my sincere hope that the words of Rev. Gregory A. Boyd sparks a much needed conversation on the issue of separating politics from religion.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Ok, enough is enough. It's time for the world to find out about the woman behind the name. I have been putting this off for a long time now while trying to figure out what I want this blog to say and/or what I want it to become. Well, I haven't come up with any earth shattering answers so it will be what it will be.

I am a black Republican. And for those of you who think this is an oxymoron all I can say is that you have a right to your opinion however stupid. My political ideology was formed at an early age especially listening to my father, who if he were alive today would be a staunch Republican. I was raised to believe that I'm owed nothing and whatever I get is from hard work and perseverance. I was taught to share and be respectful of my elders. I was taught that education is more important than standing on the street corner blaming the white man. I was taught that with every action there is a reaction. and most of all, I was taught that individual responsibility is the key to being an adult.

While in college I was told by a peer that I was not a Democrat even though I was registerded as one. Yes, I was a registered Democrat but my values and beliefs fit squarely into the Republican camp. But I didn't change my political affiliation until much later which I chalk up to living the life of a college student and trying to figure my life as an adult. In any event, I am a Republican with many Republican beliefs and some Conservative ones as well. Now here comes the kicker, I'm also a lesbian - hence the oxymoron retort. There is quite a lot to say about that and I will but let me opinine about that on another day. For now let's get this started.